The Upper Peninsula Resource Conservation & Development (UP RC&D) Council sponsored three community forums in partnership with the Luce-West Mackinac, Marquette and Houghton-Keweenaw Conservation Districts to help inform citizens and policy-makers across the UP of research findings in this project.
Presentations were made regarding changes in corporate land ownership over the past several years, the importance of the forest products industry to the U.P. economy, local and state regulatory capacity and market-based tools. Participants heard corporate landowner's perspectives and a review the Michigan Commercial Forest Act. Members of county and township government, planning and zoning board members, conservation district and RC&D board members, owners and managers of mills and other timber products companies, foresters, timberland owners, representatives of land conservancies, recreation and wildlife organizations and other interested individuals were invited and participated in the forums.
Input from forum participants was gathered, summarized and evaluated
by the project team. Participants had some great insights and these are
incorporated in the final project report.
Locations and Dates
- June 19, 2007 - Newberry - Best Western Hotel
- June 20, 2007 - Marquette - Peter White Public Library
- June 21, 2007 - Houghton - UPPCO Building

Letter to Invitees to Community Forums

Flyer for the Houghton Community Forum
Presentation Materials

The Upper Peninsula in Transition
Dr. Robert Froese, Michigan Technological University

The Role of the Forest Products Industry in the UP Economy
Dr. Larry Leefers, Michigan State University

Local Government and Community Factors
Brad Garmon, Michigan Environmental Council

Commercial Forest Act: An Overview
Ernie Houghton, Michigan DNR

Public Access and Recreation
Ron Yesney, Michigan DNR

Tools for Conservation and Land Use Management
Evan MacDonald, Keweenaw Land Trust and Brian Carlson, The Nature Conservancy